CDPS-44SM - HDMI 4x4 Seamless Matrix Switcher HDMI Quad 4x4 Video Wall Matrix Switch from Cypress Technology is a high peformance, high speed HDMI video processing system that can be easily configured and controlled for three different output modes. The product is designed to utilise 4 HDMI video sources, such as Blu Ray players, XBox, PS3 etc and to display any or all of the 4 video sources onto four HDMI input LCD, LED or Plasma monitors/TV's. Display the desired video signal on to the monitors in different formats using various switch modes, including 'Video Wall' mode. Ideal for use in Advertising displays, Educational lectures, Commercial and Industrial applications as well as being perfect for integrating with your Home Theatre setup. Features The HDMI Quad 4x4 Video Wall Matrix Switch from Cypress Technology has real versatility, enabling selection of any video input source to display on 1, 2, 3 or 4 screens. Select either as individual screens, where the 4 video sources display on one monitor each, or as a 'video wall' with the one video source split over the 4 monitors to display as one overall picture. You can select 1 (or 4) of the video sources to display to all 4 monitors individually, or make one large video wall screen using the 4 monitors to display one video source as an overall image. Another display scenario is PoP (Picture on Picture) where you can select any 2 video sources, display one as the 'main' and the other as the 'sub' (overlayed on top of the 'main' image). Swap 'main' and 'sub' display as needed. Furthermore, all the operations and controls can be done through IR, remote control, Telnet. RS-232 or front panel buttons. Audio support of audio specifications up to 2CH LPCM 7.1 Surround Sound @ 192kHz sample rate.